If you have an internal list of companies you would like to contact, you can always create a segment that can contact them for you. Below, we have created a guide to make it easier for you.

Upload a list of leads into an existing segment:

  1. Select the segment where you want to upload your list.
  2. Click on "Leads" at the top right of your segment.
  3. Click on "Manage leads" and then choose either "Add a lead" or "Upload list."
  4. Here, you can upload your list of leads. Ensure the list contains necessary information such as the company's legal name, for example, "LeadPilot AB". If your list includes names of contacts where names are divided into two columns for first names and last names, select the option "First Name & Last Name".


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If you do not want the segment to automatically find new leads, go to "Settings" and uncheck the option "Find new leads automatically". This limits the segment's search to only the leads you have uploaded.


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It's important to include information about which contact persons and in what geographical area the segment should search for in the segment's target audience. This increases the precision in the segment's search and contact.


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Create an enrichment segment:

  1. Click on "New Segment."
  2. Select "Enrich" and complete the remaining steps to set up your segment.
  3. Choose the geographical area you want to focus on and select the relevant contacts.
  4. Then, follow the instructions provided at the top of this article.
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You can also apply advanced settings to your own lists. Read more about advanced settings here.

Ready to give it a try?

Get started for free - we'll provide you with new contacts.

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